My Physics Practical Test and the Sonometer
I had to sit for Physics practical test on 14th August, Tuesday.
I prepared to wear shirt and pants, coz the test includes viva voce. Stepping up to the 1st floor, my emotion wasn't quite regular, though it's the second practical test. I had stayed at home whole day before the test, not doing anything. Had a chat with friends, and heard the voice calling the students. Wishing for the best, I chose a card from the table, truned it, read the number. It was 33. Anyway, I felt good for getting that number. Walking through the main door, I discovered the table containing the apparatus, number 33. I hoped for refracting glasses and pins, but what I saw was quite different. A wooden colored long box, a long string, a iron hanger; showed that it was a SONOMETER. I felt nothing special, thought it's much better than weird electric circuit of Ohm's Law Apparatus. But I wished for those who got to take Ohm's Law Test. Checking the apparatus and stuffs, I found that I was given a different weight for string tension. The given tuning forks are so new. With a lighter tension, I was sweating while striking those tuning forks. Experimental data, but my graph wasn't so straight, but I could handle. The calculated data was greatly different from what we practised, a challanging one, not knowing whether my data was in the correct range or not. Lucky that I met with a kind teacher, an easy viva voce. The calculated data is quite strange, but I didn't have time for a complete check. I ended up writing my procedures, precautions and conclusions 20 minutes ahead. Then I went out of the department. I did well except my datas are not quite exact. Then I was pressed again by the 2nd Theory test, from 27th to 31st August.
SOooO DePrEssEd,,, I HaVE aN eXaM DuRinG THe BLoG DaYYY ...............