My Exam XP 3
It’s from 27th to 31st August, 2007 (Too bad, five days in a row)
It’s important, we’d to grab as many marks as we could, so that these would be carried over to the final exam, on 4th October, 2007. There isn’t much time for us to reach the final. I really don’t know what I should do. But I am so sad that I didn’t have a chance to create some nice moments.
27th August – Chemistry
It’s the toughest subject, the most exciting and challenging. Really brain-storming. The exam was from 1pm to 3pm. Hoping that I could study the whole morning, I didn’t do all before that night. But actually, I was so depressed that morning couldn’t have enough concentration to do them. That’s the wicked pressure of chemistry. Standing at the entrance of the exam room named E2, the same as in the first test, I saw someone who I hadn’t seen for a week. But nothing was no important than the exam. The word exam had taken up full space of my memory. Liked no other. Chemistry questions were risky, I could get zero or full marks for each question. I ignored logarithm book. I couldn’t smile after the exam, like others. Being struck by the first, as in the previous exams. I want to know why. We had to go through the whole exam moments, with wounds in our soul.
28th August – Physics and Maths
Physics and Maths, being planned to answer within two hours, were really harassing. We had rushed between different types of problems. There weren’t many problems, except there was no answer for some problems. And optical application diagrams I drew for Physics looked really funny. My favorite categories were Electricity and light, got acceptable answers. I left the exam room, alone. I felt quite relieved; my weakest subjects had gone, but still worrying that I might get poor marks.
29th August – Botany and Zoology
The most acceptable, the most medical, the most useful, the most meaningful two subject in the 1st year course of the University. I really like them, having not many difficulties in them. I had to read and memorize as my throat drying up. But I wasn’t only me. Medical subjects were not too risky, just to write down what we’d absorbed in our head. Thought I didn’t make a deadly mistake. But my hands got really tired, after writing as fast as I could but I left the lower part of one of the answers. The question also had choices. That’s why I like. It’s so fair and square for dummies like us. Botany Multiple Choice Questions were easy, but Zoology MCQs made me dizzy, since they were the Professor’s Power. In the end of the mid day, I regained my halcyon condition as rush hours had left behind. For the rest subjects, there was nothing to worry.
I was thinking about playing DOTA games with my friends at the last day of the exam, happily.
30th August – English
My favorite subject ever, I usually get something nice in this subject. The only one thing I tried to memorize was the Medical Terminology. With enjoyable quests, I was quite happy, but I was sure that I don’t know all the things. I also managed to write an attractive essay (in my opinion). The title was “The Pros and Cons of Living in a City”. So many thoughts seeped out from my memory, but it wasn’t possible to write all them down.
I was checking my essay and immersed in the feelings of my words and writing styles, idioms and examples. I heard a sweet voice “I’m going”, saying to me. That type of sound wave reached into the deepest place of my mind. I don’t know why…
31st August –
I was so bored. I didn’t want to study, just hoping the end of the exam. Not caring about things to answer. The atmosphere in the school was something different, because of being the last day. I just put ordinary effort, in two long questions, translation from English to
At the end, we (I and my closest friends) were heading for reserved DOTA network game corner. With happiest thoughts and mind, we bragged, teased, insulted, and swore each other, playing the most performing game for us.